Like fine wine, Pepi Classic™ only gets better and more rare with age.
The ONLY Fungible, Non-Fungible, Cultcoin collectible.


With $Pepi successfully migrated to the V2 contract, now has that vintage flavor for purveyors of the fine arts, degens, and other sophisticated lasses and lads.

We welcome all to be a part of a deep and rich lore, where our tendies are crispy and our Pepes dynamic. A place where we drink wine from snifters and enjoy cigars in the vineyard, sharing tales of our blunders, and celebrating our triumphs over a charcuterie of artisanal cheeses. A place to appreciate the deep, and ever expanding lore of the ERC20i ecosystem in all of its forms.


Our journey unfolds as follows:

Phase 1


>1,000+ Holders

>1,000+ Social Media Followers

>Get $PEPI Trending

Phase 2

>CoinGecko/Coinmarketcap Listings

>Base Community Partnerships

>50M Market-cap

>CEX Listings 10,000+holders

Phase 3

>500M Market-cap

>T1 Exchange Listings 100,000+ holders

>Meme Takeover


No Taxes, No Bullshit. It’s that simple.

95.2% was sent to liquidity pool and locked. For a fair no strings attached launch. PEPI is for the community by the community!

How to buy

Follow the following steps to buy $PEPI

1.Create Wallet

Using Coinbase Wallet or Metamask, set up a crypto wallet on the Base Network.


Bridge $ETH to the Base network or send it directly to the Base network via Coinbase.

3.Go to Uniswap

Connect to Uniswap and swap $ETH to $PEPI.
Note: Make sure your wallet is connected on the Base network.


Congratulations, you ​are now a proud holder o​f $PEPI!

Join the Community

Become a part of our thriving community by joining our socials.